An adjustable wedge? Could it be?

Remember that "Whole-In-One" iron that had the adjustable lofts? I do. I also remember trying it and darn near breaking my hands with the horrible feeling it produced. I don't think it was ever designed to be hit, rather it was a novelty. Maybe that's why my granddad kept it in his study and not in his bag.

Oh well.

Anyway, a Asian company with a really weird name, S.God, has developed a wedge that has an adjustable sole/bounce angle. Called the Viper, the sole of the wedge can be removed and replaced (presumably) with other sole inserts of more or lesser degrees of bounce angle.

Hmmm. It's interesting, and I'm not sure if it's USGA conforming. Nonetheless, we like seeing new ideas and who knows, maybe it's just a matter of time until we start seeing something like that over here in the States. Decipher more information on it HERE.

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