Must Have iPhone App For Golfers

If you're like one of the three GT editors who has yet to succumb to the power of the iPhone, you don't know what you're missing. First, having an iPhone means you're cool. It means you're hip and trendy. Second, it means you are a better person than those who don't have iPhones. You want to be superior? Get an iPhone.

I'm kidding (although there are some people here in LA who might believe that). But seriously, the iPhone can do some amazing things. Among the gazillion iPhone "apps" (that's short for applications) are a handful of new and exciting apps designed specifically for golfers that make use of the iPhone's 3G GPS technology.

What's that mean? Well, in short, it means your iPhone can double as a handheld GPS yardage device. Nooo way? Yes way. Does it work? Totally, dude.

We've experimented with the View Ti software for the iPhone, and to our surprise, the interface was easy to handle, downloading courses was done wirelessly and on the fly (we actually downloaded a course while AT the course) and when compared to an actual GPS device, the yardages on the iPhone were spot on.

What are the negatives? Well, the GPS can suck up the iPhone's battery power, but if you reduce the screen brightness that helps. Also, if and when you get a phone call, you'll need to reboot the app. (Hey, you shouldn't talk on the golf on the golf course anyway.) Other than those minor issues, we were pleased with how well it performed.

Best of all? We paid a whopping $12.99 for the basic app. It didn't come with maps, scorekeeping, etc., but those kinds of features are available in other apps that cost a few dollars more.

There. Now do you want an iPhone? Thought so. Find info on the View Ti HERE.

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