While it's becoming more and more difficult to find gas powered carts (outside of the maintenance kind), battery-powered golf carts still hog up a big chunk of energy. So what's a golfer to do if you want to be eco-friendly without pushing a cart or carrying a bag?
Enter the solar-powered golf cart.
Using 72 "photovoltaic cells built into the roof that collect solar energy", this sweet ride provides up to 33% more usage than standard electric carts. And while that's pretty cool, I'm most impressed to learn that this cart goes up 24 mph--a speed that's twice as fast as my morning commute on the infamous 405 freeway here in Los Angeles. Hmmm, this cart does have headlights, turn signals and a horn...might not be a bad option now that I think about it.
Want one? Get it HERE. ($9000)
Labels: active, country club, equipment, fun, golf, golf cart, recreation, sports