Usually, we dedicate this blog to helping you find the right stuff to buy online, but once in while we can't help but show you a few things you shouldn't. And by shouldn't, that means if in case you do decide to buy these, don't tell anyone. Keep it to yourself. Trust us.
Callaway Slippers and Travel Mug: Let's see. Slippers than look like golf shoes. That's a good idea...not. ($34.99)
Golf ties: Under no circumstances. Nope. Never. ($19.99)
Shatter Sports Golf Ball: Don't be THAT guy. ($9.99)
Golf Motif cat/dog bowl: If you buy this, your pet better have no more than a 5-handicap. Boy howdy, this is not good.
Digital scorekeepers: I mean, really. Have we reached the point where we are using technology to go in reverse? What could be easier than a scorecard and a pencil? Better yet, a pencil with an eraser? ($ Varies)
Tabasco Golf Shirts: What does hot sauce have to do with golf shirts anyway? If anything, don't you want to avoid the two coming into contact? Yes, we are all for being patriotic. But not in some sort of weird, Salvador Dali-my-golf-clubs-are-falling-out-of-my-bag-heaven-help-me sort of way. ($52.50)
The Potty Putter: I can't believe I even had the time to add this one. Look at that model. I'll bet his mom is really proud. Talk about a water haza--I'm not going there.

There you have it folks. And while I don't recommend you buy these items, I can't help but think each would make a fantastic gift for that special someone in your foursome. Yeah, you know who I mean.
Labels: apparel, equipment, funny, gag gifts, golf, products, strange, stuff